North Texas Nurse Practitioners

Research Assistance Needed - Cultural Competency

Posted over 6 years ago by Robert Metzger


North Texas Nurse Practitioner Members & Followers:

One of our members, Alice Reed, a nursing PhD candidate attending Capella University, is requesting nursing faculty who teach nurse practitioner students in north and northeast Texas to participant in a research study regarding teaching cultural competency in education to nurse practitioner students.  Her abstract is listed below for your review.  An incentive of a $20 Visa gift card will be given to each participant.  Please contact her anytime if you are willing to participate, email or 682-597-1303.


NTNP Executive Committee


Cultural competence in nursing education is an ongoing process, therefore, the purpose of research is needed to view strategies which provide suggestions for cultural competent improvement of students and nurse educators (Starr, 2011). Today healthcare professionals must be culturally knowledgeable to care for the diverse populations. Cultural competence strengthens the patient-nurse relationship, builds trust, eliminates misunderstanding, and assists to avoid faulty judgement or thinking (Ingram, 2012).

Significant progress has been achieved in the area of cultural awareness, however, the need still exists to continue to produce a workforce of culturally competent healthcare providers.

Cultural awareness is important in healthcare and the healthcare professional must be prepared through education to provide competent care to the populations they serve. The responsibility to educate and train future healthcare providers in developing cultural competency begins in higher education. This study focus is to examine the nursing faculty's role in teaching cultural competency in education to nurse practitioner students.

Keywords: cultural competence, cultural awareness, nurse faculty, nurse practitioner students.

Methods: The purpose of this study is to explore and understand the nurse faculty perspective in teaching cultural awareness to nurse practitioner students. The assessment is 30 to 40 minutes face-to-face interview, guided by open-ended questions. Informed consent and demographic questionnaire will be completed prior to the interview. A visa gift card incentive of $20.00 will be given to each participant.