North Texas Nurse Practitioners

NTNP Administrator Position

Posted over 6 years ago by Robert Metzger

North Texas Nurse Practitioners will be accepting applications for the administrator position.  This is a volunteer (non-paid) position.  

The administrator will be responsible for all management functions for NTNP, maintain the official documents and files of the Association, will serve as a reference to the other elected executive officers and committee chairs, and will serve as the primary means of communication between NTNP and Texas Nurse Practitioners and American Association of Nurse Practitioners.  The Administrator is also in charge of coordinating the installation of incoming officers, the recognition of outgoing officers, and the presentation of the NP, Volunteer NP, and Preceptor NP of the Year awards.  The Administrator shall be chosen by the Executive Board to serve the Association until death, resignation, retirement, disqualification, or removal from office.

QUALIFICATIONS: You must be a current member in good standing.  Applicants must have served as a past officer in the Association. 

DEADLINES: Applications will be accepted until October 6, 2017.  Please submit completed applications to

If you are interested in applying for this position, please follow this link to complete your application: NTNP Administrator Application


NTNP Executive Board