North Texas Nurse Practitioners

Call for Abstracts for NTNP Spring Conference

Posted over 3 years ago by Elizabeth Farren

This announcement has 1 attachment:

Dear Follks, 

We want your work! Our NTNP conference will be held this April 10, 2021 and you are invited to educate us with your research, projects and/or evidence based practice. As our conference will be virtual, so too will our abstracts. Once called Poster Presentations, we wont have any posters. Abstracts of your work will be displayed as videos during the conference. We ask that presenters add an email address to their videos so that interested NPs can ask virtual questions about the presentation. Due date for submission of abstracts is February 5, 2021. This can be a traditional written absract and the video can be submitted at a later date TBA. Authors of accepted submissions will be notified no later than February 19, 2021.

Attached, please find the submission form with more details on expectations and limitations. Any questions, please email Beth Farren ( and  the poster committee will be happy to help.