North Texas Nurse Practitioners

The Great Philanthropy of North Texas Nurse Practitioners: No Surprise!

Posted over 13 years ago by Elizabeth Farren

My Dear Colleagues,

On December 22, 2010 NTNP presented North Texas Food Bank (NTFB)with $1975. This was a collection of checks and lots of cash! I can't even imagine the good that will be done with that money, all because of your spirit of generosity and service.

Those of you who attended our December meeting know that I had asked you to prepare for personal donation at our meeting. I announced our intention to contribute and one of you (name in minutes to come) moved that we add $1000 from our treasury to whatever we collected that night. Many of you cheerfully seconded that motion.

Well, we collected $850 in cash and $125 in personal checks. I circulated the room to facilitate collection but many of you were so eager to contibute that you jumped up and found me roaming around or sitting at my table. To this amount, we added the $100 from our treasury for the grand total of $1975.

I am so humbled by your spirit. At a time when all of us were trying to prepare for our own family Christmas or Hannukkah, you reached out to include those beyond our own circles. I am so poud of us in so many ways, but this is surly one.

Wishing you the happiest and most prosperous of New Years, so richly deserved by you who care daily for others.

Beth Farren


Robert Dudley over 13 years ago

Thank you Beth for bringing out the best of us. I hope to contribute to your cause as well, and I volunteer to be "the muscle". Please email me when you are able to:!

Sharon Hillgartner over 13 years ago

Thanks SO MUCH for getting the group going on this. WHoo Hoo!
Y'all make me proud to be an NTNP!

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